Monday, August 3, 2009

Shark week m#%^&fu&^%$s!!!!!!!!

It's Sharkweek god damn it!
Watch and learn bitches, watch and learn!
And I mean bitches in the most empowering way.
This is the perfect op. 2 find out just what you're made of.
So what kind of shark R U anywhats?
Bull, Hammerhead, Great White, Tiger?
Dont front like U dont know/no/gnau.

Full moon 2nite so............
Cast those spells and cast your checks upon the chao, 4 they will knot return un2 U voided.
A rising tide raises all shit that floats.

So float on my predators of the deep.


  1. sharks are awesome!

    but, isn't the full moon not until Thursday?

  2. it's not that it's not full, it's that it's mostly empty
